Thursday, October 14, 2010


NEW column! DIMEpiece is a reference to the cost of comics and it's slang for AMAZING and comics totes are SUPER AMAZING!

DC turned 75 today! YAY! Although I'm more of a Marvel girl, I do appreciate DC a lot. I mean they have Batman, Wonder Wonder, The Question, and V for Vendetta. 'Nuff said.

Check out the full article at The New York Times

My two favorite DC characters:
Barbara Gordon

Cassandra Cain

Ryan Reynolds said that Deadpool would beat Wolverine in a showdown. I THINK NOT! Canonically, Wolverine ALWAYS won against Deadpool. Keep it to the facts. And I definitely think Storm would kick both Multiple Man and Nightcrawler's asses.

Come that at the fierce female!

Achievement Unlocked

I literally have been so busy that it's nearly been two weeks since I last posted. Why is my life so busy?

This video:

Makes me want "Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood" SO BAD!

I miss my Wii real, real, real bad too. And I also want a lego Wiimote. It looks so cool.

Also this:

WTF, Sims. I kinda (really) hate that vampires are mainstream now. UGH. Where were all of you when BTVS was airing or when Angel was cancelled? If you've only read Twilight, GTFO. You need to read some Anne Rice or Amelia Atwater-Rhodes. Or AT LEAST Bram Stoker. RAWR!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Achievement Unlocked

So, I've been going through a gaming withdrawal. Over the summer, I played my Wii all day, errday. Since then I've only had my iTouch to satisfy my needs.

I bought "Archetype" for $0.99. The game is like "Halo" multi-player mode for the iTouch. You play on a team and start with a standard gun in an area filled with weapons. The object is to get the most kills or at least more than the other team.

I really like "Archetype" because it's so similar to "Halo", but the free alternative "EliminatePro" is quickly becoming my favorite FPS on the iTouch. "EliminatePro" allows players to upgrade and buy their equipment (armor, weapons, items). This is great because more experienced players have more of an advantage over newer players because they have better stuff. It's also easier to achieve that "epic win" feeling when you can have tangible achievements throughout the playtime.

"Archetype" promo image
"EliminatePro" promo image
Both games are fun, user-friendly, and have intuitive controls and beautiful graphics. If you prefer a more level playing field, go with "Archetype", but if you like to school n00bs because they are so damn annoying, I'd forego paying for an app and stick with "EliminatePro."

Seriously though, I'm just biding my time until we get my suite mate's old XBox 360 (from last year) so I can play "Halo Reach".

It's going to be EPIC!

Birth By Binary

My Black Berry Curve just broke and I need a new one because my life is irrelevant without BBM, but I also really just want to get this because it’s just that AMAZING.